Te Rito

Te Rito: Educators’ Edition
“A wonderful way to explore new knowledge that was practical and easy to follow. The modules allowed me to gain a better understanding of Māori perspectives and gave practical examples of how I can be more aware in my everyday life.”
In response to repeated requests from those in the education sector for access to the Te Rito Bicultural Competency Modules, we have developed a version specifically targeted at educators.
Te Rito – Educators’ Edition is for teachers and school administrators in the early childcare, primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, as well as Board of Trustees members.
The modules are the perfect way to deliver effective and measurable professional development to education professionals in the area of cultural competence.
The fourteen interactive modules are spread over four courses. They employ best practice e‑learning techniques that ensure technology enhances the learning process, rather than distracting from it. We’ve rigorously tested the modules with a variety of education professionals to ensure they deliver an effective, intellectually robust and enjoyable experience for users in that sector.
The modules are accessed through our Learning Management System (LMS) and provide the ability to track user progress so learning can be seen, measured and acknowledged.
These fourteen modules provide clearly scaffolded learning for users, including cumulative glossaries and independent learning tools that can be returned to after completion and used over and over again to assist understanding and build skills.
Schools have the option to purchase the number of individual licenses that suit their needs, and more licenses can be added over time. We hope education institutions will aim to ensure all staff complete the modules in due course, providing a clear benchmark of bicultural competence for the entire organisation and – more importantly – developing the skills and understanding needed by educators to ensure all students can reach their full learning potential.
You can view the slides below to see screen shots of some of the aspects covered in the fourteen modules, or play the show reel clip on the Te Rito Bicultural Competency Modules page for a brief ‘tour’ of how the modules work.
The format of the modules allows a level of theme development not possible in the original Te Rito. Each module explores facts, perspectives and related issues in a way that engages the user, and encourages him or her to relate the information to their own ideas and experiences.
All fourteen modules follow the same basic structure:
- Introduction of key concepts
- Examples of these concepts in New Zealand life, particularly in the workplace
- An interactive tool to provide the opportunity to master the new concepts and skills
- A brief learning assessment quiz that must be passed in order to complete the module.
Try Te Rito for yourself
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