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“It is the best presentation I have seen after 8 years of University lectures and my own recent studies and presentations within the Central Region for Court Security.  You and your team have put together the most impactful, complex, and comprehensive presentation I have experienced, and have done so ‘seamlessly’.  Thank you all again for your passion and hard work. It is MOST APPRECIATED!!!”

Please either email us with an inquiry at this address: or complete the form below.

If you are interested in licensing Te Rito for your organisation, please let us know the number of staff you currently have.

Te Rito is licensed to whole organisations, not individuals. Even if you only have a few staff, as long as you are all completing the training, we would love to hear from you.

Contact Kia Māia

“The presentation of these modules is far superior to anything I have presented for staff, and is done so in a most spectacular and exquisite way.  These Te Rito modules should be compulsory for all new government employees, including Ministers.”