Kia Māia Bicultural Communications are very pleased to announce we have finally finished our new series of Te Rito e-learning modules. These three new courses, Identity, Decolonisation and Our Future, are designed to build on Courses 1-4 of Te Rito and guide our learners through the anti-racist, equity and decolonisation focused work necessary to make change in Aotearoa. Each of the three new courses is composed of ten dynamic, reflection-focused modules that scaffold learners carefully through these topics, ensuring they understand them thoroughly and are well armed with the skills and knowledge needed to enter into conversations at home and at work that will result in constructive outcomes.

Each Course is also supported by wānanga, with detailed facilitation guides and best practice case studies.

We at Kia Māia are extremely grateful for the contributions of many people involved in creating these modules, from the luminaries who recorded their voices for us to bring their insights alive, such as Dr Moana Jackson, Professors Margaret Mutu and Jacinta Ruru, Tā Joe Williams and Tā Timoti Kāretu, Ani Mikaere, Tina Ngata, Witi Ihimaera and many others, through to the voices of those who shared their stories and everyday lived experiences so that we can learn collectively how to make our workspaces and lives safer and more just places for all.

Special thanks to Anaru & Carol Karl, Jenna Karl, Māori Mermaid Jess Thompson and the incredible Kaye Vaka’uta, as well as a cast of amazing friends and colleagues who helped us get these modules out there for all to experience.

Courses 5-7 of Te Rito offer learners the chance to spend time with our best national thinkers and writers, to be educated in our present reality and to share the vision of what magic a decolonised Aotearoa could unleash on the world. We would love to make this unique e-learning resource available to all those who are ready to experience it.